Publication List |
- Hsieh NT, Huang CY, Li CC, Wang IC, Lee MF,2018,MED28 and forkhead box
M1 (FOXM1) mediate matrix metalloproteinase 2
(MMP2)-dependent cellular migration in human nonsmall cell lung cancer
(NSCLC) cells,Journal of Cellular Physiology,
- Sun L, Ren X, Wang IC, Pradhan A, Zhang Y, Flood HM, Han B, Whitsett JA,
Kalin TV, Kalinichenko VV.,2017,The FOXM1
inhibitor RCM-1 suppresses goblet cell metaplasia and prevents IL-13 and
STAT6 signaling in allergen-exposed
mice,Science Signaling,10,475,ppeaai8583 (SCI), DOI: 10.1126/scisignal.aai8583
- Wang IC, Ustiyan V, Zhang Y, Cai Y, Kalin TV, Kalinichenko
VV.,2014,Foxm1 transcription factor is required for the
initiation of lung tumorigenesis by oncogenic
KrasG12D,Oncogene,33,46,pp5391-5396 (SCI), Link
- Balli D, Ustiyan V, Zhang Y, Wang IC, Masino AJ, Ren X, Whitsett JA,
Kalinichenko VV, Kalin TV.,2013,Foxm1 transcription
factor is required for lung fibrosis and epithelial-to-mesenchymal
transition,EMBO J,32,2,pp231-44 (SCI), doi: 10.1038/emboj.2012.336
- Ustiyan V, Wert SE, Ikegami M, Wang IC, Kalin TV, Whitsett JA,
Kalinichenko VV.,2012,Foxm1 transcription factor is
critical for proliferation and differentiation of Clara cells during
development of conducting airways,Developmental
Biology ,370,2,pp198-212 (SCI), PubMed