Publication List |
- Yen, A.H. and Yang, J.L.* ,2010,Cdc20 Proteolysis Requires p38 MAPK
Signaling and Cdh1-Independent APC/C Ubiquitination During Spindle
Assembly Checkpoint Activation by Cadmium, Journal of Cellular
,223,2,pp327-334 (SCI), doi/abs/10.1002/jcp.22038
- Wang, C.Y., Wang, Y.T., Tzeng, D.W. and Yang, J.L.* ,2009,Lead acetate
induces EGFR activation upstream of SFK and PKC alpha linkage to the
Ras/Raf-1/ERK signaling,Toxicology and Applied
- Wang, C.Y., Lin, Y.W. and Yang, J.L.* ,2008,Activation of protein kinase
C alpha signaling prevents cytotoxicity and mutagenicity following lead
acetate in CL3 human lung cancer cells,Toxicology,250,1,pp55-61
- Li, J.P., Wang, C.Y., Tang, Y.A., Lin, Y.W. and Yang, J.L.* ,2008,Role
of extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) signaling in nucleotide
excision repair and genotoxicity in response to As(III) and Pb(II),Pure
and Applied Chemistry ,80,12,pp2735-2750 (SCI), DOI: 10.1351/pac200880122735
- Li, J.P. and Yang, J.L.*,2007,Cyclin B1 proteolysis via p38 MAPK signaling participates in G2 checkpoint elicited by arsenite,Journal of Cellular Physiology ,212,2,pp481-488 (SCI), PubMed