Publication List |
- H.-Y. Lin, L.-A. Chu, H. Yang, K.-J. Hsu, Y.-Y. Lin, K.-H. Lin, S.-W. Chu*, A.- S. Chiang, “Imaging Through the Whole Brain of Drosophila at λ/20 Super-Resolution,” iScience 14, 164-170 (2019)
- K.-J. Hsu, Y.-Y. Lin, A.-S. Chiang, S.-W. Chu*, “Optical properties of adult Drosophila brains in one-, two-, and three-photon microscopy,” Biomed. Opt. Exp. 10, 1627-1637 (2019).
- K.-H. Lin*, H.-Y. Cheng, C.-Y. Yang, H.-W. Li, C.-W. Chang, and S.-W. Chu* “Phonon Dynamics of Single Nanoparticles Studied Using Confocal Pump- Probe Backscattering” Appl. Phys. Lett. 113, 171906 (2018).
- M.-Y. Chen, M. J. Huttunen, C.-W. Kan, G. Deka, Y.-Y. Lin, C.-W. Ye, M.-J. Wu, H.-L. Liu, and S.-W. Chu* “Molecular Chirality Revealed via Resonant Second-harmonic Generation Circular Dichroism Microscopy” Optics Communications 422, 56 (2018). (invited to special issue on Label-Free Imaging)
- G. Deka, K. Nishida, K. Mochizuki, H.-X. Ding, K. Fujita*, and S.-W. Chu*, “Resolution enhancement in deep-tissue nanoparticle imaging based on plasmonic saturated excitation microscopy” APL Photonics 3, 031301 (2018).