Ann-Shyn Chiang Ph. D. 江安世 教授
Academician of Academia Sinica 中央研究院院士
Tsing Hua Distinguished Chair Professor 清華特聘講座教授
Dean, College of Life Science, 生命科學院院長
Director, Brain Research Center, 腦科學研究中心主任
National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu 30043, Taiwan
Tel: 886-3-5742760; Email: aschiang@life.nthu.edu.tw
International Faculty
Kavli Institute for Brain and Mind (KIBM) at the University of California, San Diego
Email: a6chiang@ucsd.edu
- Schoofs A, Hückesfeld S, Schlegel P, Miroschnikow A, Bader R, Zeymer M, Spieß R, Chiang AS, Pankratz MJ* (2014) Selection of motor programs for suppressing food intake and inducing locomotion in the Drosophila brain. PLOS Biology (in press) (IF: 11.771, 5-Year IF: 12.807).
- Wu MC, Chu LA, Hsiao PY, Lin YY, Chi CC, Liu TH, Fu CC*, Chiang AS* (2014) Optogenetic control of selective neural activity in multiple freely moving Drosophila adults. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 111, 5367-5372. (IF: 9.737, 5-Year IF: 10.583)
- Lin HH, Chu LA, Fu TF, Dickson BJ, Chiang AS* (2013) Parallel neural pathways mediate CO2 avoidance responses in Drosophila. Science 340, 1338-1341. (IF: 31.027, 5-Year IF: 33.582
- Pai TP, Chen CC, Lin HH, Chin AL, Lai JSY, Lee PT, Tully T, Chiang AS* (2013) Drosophila ORB protein in two mushroom body-output neurons is necessary for long-term memory formation.Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 110, 7898-7903. (IF: 9.737, 5-Year IF: 10.583)
- Wu TH, Lu YN, Chuang CL, Wu CL, Chiang AS, Krantz DE, Chang HY (2013) Loss of vesicular dopamine release precedes tauopathy in degenerative dopaminergic neurons in a Drosophila model expressing human tau. Acta Neuropathologica 125, 711-725. (IF: 9.734, 5-Year IF: 8.562)
- Lehnert BP, Baker AE, Gaudry Q, Chiang AS, Wilson RI (2013) Distinct roles of TRP channels in auditory transduction and amplification in Drosophila. Neuron 77, 115-128. (IF: 15.766, 5-Year IF: 16.403)
- Chen CC, Wu JK, Lin HW, Pai TP, Fu TF, Wu CL, Tully T, Chiang AS* (2012) Visualizing long-term memory formation in two neurons of the Drosophila brain. Science 335, 678–685. [101年大學指考試題39-41] (IF: 31.027, 5-Year IF: 33.582)
- Lee PT, Lin HW, Chang YH, Fu TF, Dubnau J, Hirsh J, Lee T, Chiang AS* (2011) Serotonin-mushroom body circuit modulating the formation of anesthesia-resistant memory in Drosophila. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 108, 13794–13799. (IF: 9.737, 5-Year IF: 10.583)
- Wu CL, Shih MF, Lai SY, Yang HT, Turner GC, Chen L, Chiang AS* (2011) Heterotypic gap junctions between two neurons in the Drosophila brain are critical for memory. Current Biology 21, 848-854. (IF: 9.494, 5-Year IF: 10.445)
- Chiang AS*, Lin CY, Chuang CC, Chang HM, Hsieh CH, Yeh CW, Shih CT, Wu JJ, Wang GT, Chen YC, Wu CC, Chen GY, Ching YT, Lee PC, Lin CY, Lin HH, Wu CC, Hsu HW, Huang YA, Chen JY, Chiang HJ, Lu CF, Ni RF, Yeh CY, Hwang JK (2011) Three-dimensional reconstruction of brainwide wiring networks in Drosophila at single cell resolution. Current Biology 21, 1-11. (Article, cover story) (IF: 9.494, 5-Year IF: 10.445) 「紐約時報」專欄報導
- Fu YY, Lin CW, Enikolopov G, Sibley E, Chiang AS, Tang SC (2009) Microtome-free 3-dimensional confocal imaging method for visualization of mouse intestine with subcellular-level resolution. Gastroenterology 137, 453-465. (IF: 12.821, 5-Year IF: 12.835)
- Wu CL, Xia S, Fu TF, Wang H, Chen YH, Leong D, Chiang AS*, Tully T* (2007) Specific requirement of NMDA receptors for long-term memory consolidation in Drosophila ellipsoid body. Nature Neuroscience 10, 1578-1586. (IF: 15.251, 5-Year IF: 16.412)
- Lin HH, Lai JSY, Chin AL, Chen YC, Chiang AS* (2007) A map of olfactory representation in the Drosophila mushroom body. Cell128, 1205-1218. (IF: 31.957, 5-Year IF: 34.366)
- Zhu S, Lin S, Kao CF, Awasaki T, Chiang AS, Lee T (2006) Gradients of the Drosophila chinmo BTB-zinc finger protein govern neuronal temporal identity. Cell 127, 409-422. (IF: 31.957, 5-Year IF: 34.366)
- Xia S, Miyashita T, Fu TF, Lin WY, Wu CL, Pyzocha L, Lin IR, Saitoe M, Tully T, Chiang AS* (2005) NMDA receptors mediate olfactory learning and memory in Drosophila. Current Biology 15, 603-615. (IF: 9.494, 5-Year IF: 10.445)
- Agrawal N, Pallos J, Slepko N, Apostol BL, Bodai L, Chang LW, Chiang AS, Thompson LM, Marsh JL (2005) Identification of combinatorial drug regimens for treatment of Huntington’s disease using Drosophila. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 102, 3777-3781. (IF: 9.737, 5-Year IF: 10.583)
- Iijima K, Liu HP, Chiang AS, Konsolaki M, Zhong Y (2004) Dissecting the pathological effects of human Abeta40 and Abeta42 in Drosophila: a potential model for Alzheimer's disease. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 101, 6623-6628. (IF: 9.737, 5-Year IF: 10.583)
- Dubnau J, Chiang AS, Grady L, Barditch J, Gossweiler S, McNeil J, Smith P, Buldoc F, Scott R, Certa U, Broger C, Tully T (2003) The staufen/pumilio pathway is involved in Drosophila long-term memory. Current Biology 13, 286-296. (cover story) (IF: 9.494, 5-Year IF: 10.445)
- Tamura T, Chiang AS, Ito N, Liu HP, Horiuchi J, Tully T, Saitoe M (2003) Aging specifically impairs amnesiac-dependent memory in Drosophila. Neuron 40, 1003-1011. (IF: 15.766, 5-Year IF: 16.403)