教育的目標是以最有效的方式提升人腦的功能與效率。近年來腦科學快速進展,許多新的腦知識與次世代人才培育息息相關,歐美各國紛紛訂定腦意識週(Brain Awareness Week)提倡全民腦意識教學計劃。從人的角度看,腦科學讓我們重新理解並界定有關感受知覺、意識與身份認同等概念。腦科學的發現也讓我們對於教育理念、教學方法與課程設計重新思考。
腦科學研究中心以教育部的支持推動腦教育,先組織及再造人文、藝術、教育專業人員,訂定台灣腦意識週 (Taiwan Brain Awareness Week),提倡全民腦意識教育。幼兒著重於腦的個人化完整發育,青少年著重於開發腦的可塑性與專一性,成人著重於腦學習及運作的有效性,老人著重於腦神經疾病的預防與幹細胞的再生。轉譯大腦知識,理解大腦結構與運作方式,將為照護的基石。在教育部的投入下,本計畫預期全民腦力精進計畫將優化終生學習果效,增進記憶能力,培育特殊人才,提升國民腦力。
Under the support of the Ministry of Education of Taiwan, NTHU Brain Research Center is committed to promote the education of brain science. We organize and advocate training programs for people across realms of humanities, art and education, such as events like Taiwan Brain Awareness Week, where we promote knowledge of the brain and consciousness at an everyday scale. Our educational program covers the development and plasticity of the brain from infants to teenagers, the effectiveness of learning and memory for adults, and associated neurodegenerative diseases for elderly. With our cutting-edge research, we are driven to build an informed public that is acquainted with developing, preventive and enhancing-related foundational brain knowledge. With generous resources kindly provided by the Ministry of Education, we aim to optimize programs of lifelong learning, memory-enhancement and fostering a more holistic comprehension of our brain to each and every citizen.